ER visit
So on Jan 3, at 5am, Caleb, Cole and Myself went to the ER because I had been up all night with severe pains in the right side of my stomach. I had puked about 10 times in 4 hours and was out of my mind in pain. This was way worse than childbirth. Way worse. We thought it might be my appendix. So, off we went to the ER. I got pain meds and a CT scan and was told that I had a major block in my intestines. So, laxatives, smooth move tea, and Epsom salt water was what I lived on for about a week. I was a little old woman who couldn't stand up straight because of the pain. And, I didn't want to eat because of the fear of more pain. I lost about 8 pounds that week (bummer, it didn't stay off!). I also had canceled my insurance because of their unwillingness to pay for Cole's birth... and hey, I don't ever get sick, haven't used my insurance at all for 3 years... so we decided together to cancel it. It took effect on Jan 1. Perfect, huh? Guess what I got in the mail today. The bill. $3899.66. That's a lot of money for a 2 hour visit to the hospital. A lot of Money!
Col, sure you didn't poison me. I think you did and you just don't want to tell me you were sneaking around my house in a ninja costume!